Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blue Sundaze

It's starting to seem like Til August doesn't just describe the band's life expectancy, but also how long we will have to wait until they perform in public. But while we wait, the precursor bands (the ones that the members are coming from) are still around.

Blue Sundaze just announced another date - Saturday, May 21 at the Lift Inn in Lenoxville, PA from 9:30 PM to 1:30 AM. Lenoxville is 50 miles from my house, and 30 miles from Binghamton, and it will be worth the trip.

Blue Sundaze: Derrick, Ray, Rose, and John Posted by Hello

Blue Sundaze plays a very eclectic mix of songs, from a dead-on version of U2's Vertigo (which I have suggested they use as an "establishing song" - one that punches you in the mouth, takes your wallet, and pisses on your car, just to show you who's boss) to wildly energetic versions of what I used to think were lame-ass songs from the 60's and 70's (like Arlo Guthrie's drug-smuggler's lament "Mr. Customs Man", which features blazing drums and guitar.) Some of it is music to dance to, some is music to drink to, but all of it is fun. Come out May 21st and see for yourself!